When I restarted my personal finance journey in 2018, I was dedicated to finding a blueprint that would help guide me down the right path. Unfortunately, I spent years trying to find a guide that did not exist.
Fast forward to 2021, I discovered the F.I.R.E. Flowchart on TikTok. It was everything I was looking for. As I began to navigate the flowchart, I noticed a lot of my experiences with personal finances were not represented on the chart.
The Financial Independence Blueprint for Black Women
The long days and painful nights I spent organizing, planning, evaluating and confronting my personal finances weren’t acknowledged at all. That’s when I realized the personal finance advice all over the internet was not addressing my needs and the needs of so many women who look like me.
Instead of complaining or ridiculing other personal finance gurus, I decided to share the tools and the blueprint that helped me attain financial independence.
I used the F.I.R.E. Flowchart as a base but, I added a pre-check and tools for each box in Section 0 and Section 1. Let’s start with the pre-check.
Chapter Zero- Money Pre-Check (Understanding your financial situation)
This post will discuss the Money Pre-Check (understanding your current financial situation).
Before you begin… I just want to say
- I’m proud of you for taking the first step toward changing your relationship with money.
- There is no cookie cutter method to dealing with your personal finances. Pen and paper, notes in your phone, download an app… do all three. IDC, just choose something and get started. Change up your methods as many times as you see fit. Don’t let not having certain tools/templates/apps/ gadgets hold you back from getting started.
- The Money Pre-Check is the hardest, stressful, most time consuming part of your financial journey. Take it slow, be consistent, ask questions, be present and celebrate every single accomplishment.
The main goal of the Money Pre-Check section is to have awareness about your money past and present. Awareness is the first step to building a solid financial foundation.
This section is by far the hardest barrier in your financial journey. It’s long and emotional at times. Here are some tips that can help .
- Set aside 1 hour per week to check in in on your money. No distractions and make it a priority.
- Always remember your end goal.
- Celebrate every small accomplishment in some way.