Schools and Community Based Organizations

Schools and Community Based Organizations


Empowering the financial journey

At Budgeting Backwards, we believe that financial education should be accessible to everyone. Our workshops are designed to empower young people and families with practical skills for managing money effectively, regardless of their financial background.

Join us in April, Financial Literacy Month, to take advantage of these free workshops for school and community based programs.


Apply Now for our free workshops!

Our Workshops

Smart Money at Home: Family Budgeting Workshop

Join us in our beginner and family-friendly workshop, where we guide you through practical strategies to create a budget that aligns with your family’s goals. Learn how to track spending, set savings goals, and make informed financial choices. This 1-1.5 hour session is perfect for smaller groups, and we encourage children to participate.

Key Features:

Straightforward budgeting strategies
Family-friendly environment
Encouragement for children to participate
Sessions tailored for smaller groups

Thriving on a Tight Budget

Dive into our beginner-friendly workshop, Thriving on a Tight Budget. Explore practical strategies for managing money with limited resources, including tips on stretching your budget, utilizing community resources, and making wise spending choices. Sessions, ranging from 1 to 3 hours, are suitable for both small and large groups.

Key Features:

Practical budget-stretching tips
Utilization of community resources
Wise spending choices
Sessions suitable for small and large groups

Credit Made Simple

Uncover the essentials of credit in our beginner-friendly workshop, Credit Made Simple. Whether you’re a beginner or navigating finances on a tight budget, we’ll discuss the importance of a good credit score and provide insights into building and maintaining credit. Sessions, lasting 1-1.5 hours, are suitable for both small and large groups.

Key Features:

Importance of a good credit score
Building and maintaining credit insights
Basics of reading credit reports and statements
Wise credit decision-making

Happy Clients

  • I wish they really had financial classes and taught people how to live without the system not just expect folks to do it not knowing how.

    I Am Tasii

  • Thank you! This will be my next topic for therapy, I didn’t realize there was such thing as “financial trauma” I thought I was just irresponsible.


  • You said this with so much EMPATHY!! That’s what the people need…EMPATHY and not judgmental “advice”. 💜💜💜
